Friday, August 22, 2008

21 August 2008 DCRSD Meeting Notes

The following notes are provided in an effort to provide a summary record the transactions of the meeting without editorial comment, except clarification of events or issues.


Present: Chairman, Dave Enzweiler, John Maxwell, Barry Pruss, Rodney Dennerline, Brett Fehrman and Steve Renihan.Also Present: Sue Hayden taking notes for Benning, Executive Secretary; Tom Quinn, Quinn Engineering; Frank Kramer, Board Attorney; John Draper; Jerry Jacobsen; and Ralph Thompson. Bryan Messmore briefly.

Meeting started at approximately 7:45 PM in the Commissioner's Meeting Room after the Executive Session. The meeting was NOT recorded.

Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes for August 7, 2008 approved.

Treasurer's Report
County Study Account $ 49,914.42
High Ridge Account $106,236.58
Aurora Debt Service Account $ 3,949.50
Sewer District Savings Account $ 2,422.92
Serenity Ridge Account $ 22,491.39

Special Requests

Serenity Ridge
Quinn indicated the construction is complete except for some retainage to be paid and this is complete as an item. There is some retainage to be paid on lot # 1 for tap-in.
West Aurora/ Highridge Project
Quinn indicated he had a discussion with IDEM and the lagoon will have to be cleaned out by DCRSD.
Quinn submitted a proposal for the work with money included for the cleanup.
Enzweiler indicated they would take time to review the proposal.
Quinn indicated Hrezo will do the site work and the surveying, which will be extra.
Maxwell asked if the the plant could be benched on the property.
Hrezo indicated it will fit with little or no retaining walls.
A discussion ensued at the bench with Maxwell and Hrezo and later others over a drawing about the siting of the plant much of which was unable to be overheard.
Enzweiler indicated the Executive Session dealt with the acquisition of part of lot # 70, which will be subdivided by Draper, contingent upon access between lots # 19 and 20 and the property being suitable for the purposes of DCESD. They will also need an easement to Hogan Creek.
Fehrman moved and Dennerline seconded to proceed with the land acquisition. All approved.
Enzweiler directed Hrezo to do the survey and clearly mark and determine if the property is capable of sustaining what they need. He was also directed check the easement between lots # 19 & 20.
Quinn indicated Hrezo will provide monuments.
Enzweiler indicated the remainder of lot 70 will remain in Draper's possession and he didn't see a problem if they discharged all the way or only part way down the hill. He said " One more land mine out of the way for this project."

New Business
None was noted.

Enzweiler stated that a letter had been sent to Ziedan, Lischkge and DeVille.
Draper indicated that DeVille didn't own the property, his brother Ron owns it. DeVille is apparently on vacation and no one was sure if he had received the letter yet.

Hrezo Engineering for construction administration. $1534.00 and $514.00.
Asked about the status, Hrezo indicated the project was invoiced to 90%.
Fehrman moved and Dennerline seconded to pay the claims, all approved.

Kramer indicated he had contacted the Dillsboro Town Board. Dillsboro provide water to the subdivision and metered it electronically, he hadn't heard of that before. (Note: Most water companies are switching or have switched to electronically read meters.) He indicated Dillsboro could not help with turning off the water for non payment, they would have to use lien provisions. Dillsboro indicated they would work with them on maintenance and billing on an equitable basis and cooperate. IDEM or IRUC wouldn't allow them (Dillsboro) to turn off the water to the residences.

Next Meeting

Adjourned at approximately 8:03 PM.

Ralph Thompson
Washington Township

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