Tuesday, October 28, 2008

27 October 2008 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Agenda

27 October 2008 Dearborn County Plan Commission Meeting Agenda

Present: Mike Hall, Chairman, Dennis Kraus, Jr, Russell Beiersdorfer, Mark Lehman, Dan Lansing, Mike Hornbach, Bob Laws, Ken Nelson, and Ralph Thompson.

Also present: Arnie McGill, Attorney, and Mark McCormack, Plan Director.

1. Archie Crouch of Land Consultants presented Direct access for a driveway on a collector road in Miller Township on Jackson Ridge Road for owners Ronald and Linda Nixon. The zoning is R on 1 acre.

Line of sight was adequate and though there was an easement for access to a shared driveway, the owner preferred direct access to his home. No public spoke. There is no problem with septic tank in the front yard.

Beiersdorfer motioned and Thompson 2nd to allow access waiving the driveway spacing requirements and specifying that no further splits would have a separate driveway on this land.
All ayes- passed.

2. Primary approval for an additional eight units in Picnic Lawn on Jamison Road in Miller Township. Zoning is R and site along Chris Lane is 3.233 acres. Jeff Stenger of JDJ Surveying presented for owner Jerry Tucker who was also present.

The units were to be in three areas tucked in between the existing buildings. Tucker said there was a demand for two bedroom apartments. Two gravel lots were added in the last couple of months for increased parking. The 8 units will add 21 parking spaces. There are no defined open areas other than the pond and personal patio areas. McCormack noted that there were no records in the office of the original Picnic Lawn proposal. [NOTE: Perhaps the records from the original were hand drawn and so McCormack may not have recognized them as “plans.”]

Parking spaces were questioned- in 1998 there were 295 spaces for the 149 units. Stenger said they decided to “put stuff where stuff is.”

Questions were raised about access for fire trucks on the one proposed site. Stenger said the new Bright Fire Chief takes 2 months to get letters out and says there is no money. Stenger said the trustee gives the fire dept money based on commercial coming in- and this is a commercial project. [NOTE: Are residential apt. units taxed as commercial?]

The people in the neighborhood ( Tina- last name unknown, Angie and Steve Braun, and Bill Hocker) adjoining the site spoke mostly of traffic issues on Gibson and fire safety and also drainage problems that already exist from the complex. Cattails and muck adjoin in one yard. There are no lines on the roads accessing this with lots of cars already and children.

Stenger said Chris Lane is private lane, there is a fire hydrant 200 ft from the site in the complex, and they would have to reroute some of the drainage. Stenger said: “I just don’t design things that don’t drain.” They would have to check the culvert at Salt Fork to determine the degree of detention needed. These will all be single story- though there are seven 2-story townhouses central to the complex now. Tucker said they‘d do what they have to do to get it in – responding to some redesign suggestions from the board.

The PC did not want to shoehorn things in and were concerned with traffic, fire protection access, and drainage. Thompson motioned and Lansing 2nd to TABLE to have tech review and applicant address placement of buildings, access of road, storm water control, traffic (thru hwy dept), parking, and fire protection. All ayes except for Mark Lehman, who voted Nay. Lehman did not specify why.

1. No ordinance reviews until Nov.
2. Bond reports passed out- Rosewood, Eden Gardens, and Elvin Miller sub’n all accepted and settled this month.
3. Lawrenceville street vacations will be addressed with a meeting Tues at 6:30 PM with owners up there at the church.
4. US 50 Collaborative meeting in November sometime.
5. Inspection report on SR1 and I-74 bridge work shows they will be down to one lane during part of that construction.
6. Salt Fork Bridge work will require minimal closing at connection time.
7. Fiscal impact study has not settled on a meeting time with OKI and our officials to present this.
8. McCormack to meet with Bob Laws for his summary for the 2008 Annual Report from the P&Z office. Laws is not seeking to be reappointed for another term to the PC.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM

Christine Brauer Mueller
Lawrenceburg Township

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