Friday, August 09, 2013


Special Meeting
Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission
July 15, 2013
A Special meeting of the Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission was held on Monday, July, 15, 2013 at the Dearborn County Administration Building, 215B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025.


John Rahe
Kevin Lynch
Jim Deaton
Terri Randall
Andrea Ewan


Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order by John Rahe at 4:10 pm.


Terri Randall read pertinent points from Resolution 2013-1 (Determination of Need to Capture Tax Increment Revenues).  Jim Deaton made a motion to adopt Resolution second by Kevin Lynch.  All approved.                                                           ·


John Rahe made motion to adjourn with object made by Terri Randall.

New Business:

Terri submitted letter of support to the Lawrenceburg Grant Committee to be signed.  Kevin Lynch motioned to have John Rahe sign letter with second from Jim Deaton.  All Approved.


With no further business, Jim Deaton made a motion to adjourn meeting with a second by Kevin Lynch.  Meeting was adjourned at 4:20.


Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission

July 18, 2013

A meeting of the Dearborn County Redevelopment Commission was held on Monday, July 18, 2013 at the Dearborn County Administration Building, 2 l 5B West High Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025.
An Executive Session was held prior to the meeting.

Attending: John Rahe Kevin Lynch Jim Deaton Terri Randall Andrea Ewan

Mark Neff Kelli Boiman
Gayle Pennington Bob Reynolds
Jim Higgins

Sue Hayden Cari Baylor
Wade Kimmon


Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order by John Rahe at 5:10 pm. It was decided to move New Business ahead of other agenda items.

New Business:

    Wade Kimmon, GIS Coordinator was introduced. He spoke about his background and explained what he might be able to bring to the table for the local development groups. He would like to meet with them again to discuss what further needs he and the GIS/Beacon website can assist them with. Terri Randall will send out Wade's contact information.
    Bob Reynolds and Jim Higgins from London Witte were introduced. Jim Higgins explained reporting requirements that had been changed or updated by the State recently. 3 major reporting time frames were discussed. He also explained TIF dollars vs. Non­ TIF dollars and what the funds can be used for. He briefly discussed what other services London Witte could provide to the Commission. It was determined that the Commission would discuss how they may use London Witte and contact them to provide a quote on what services they decide to use.

Action of Executive Session:

    Motion made by Jim Deaton to approved and send letter discussed in Executive Session, Kevin Lynch second. All approved.

Attorney's Report:

    Andrea needed to leave early so her item was heard next. She asked for approval to sign and send Land Acquisition Contract to EDI. Jim Deaton motioned with a second from Kevin Lynch. All approved.

Approval of Minutes:

    Kevin Lynch motioned to approve minutes to Special Meeting held July 15, 2013 with a second by Jim Deaton. All approved. It was noted that minutes from May and June meetings will be finished and presented at next meeting.

Approval of Claim:

    Claim was presented for payment to Barnes & Thornberg.  All had seen and approved claim to be paid.

Unfinished Business:

    Financial  Status I Transition -Financial Reports for the months of May and June where presented.   Discussion with London Witte regarding financials and identifying accounts between TIF and Non TIF dollars occurred at beginning of meeting.  The Board acknowledged receipt of said reports.

County Administrator Report:

    Chamber I EDI Restructuring - Mark Neff was introduced as Interim Director of Chamber/EDI and was asked if he would give an update.  He said both the Chamber and EDI had created a task force to set the stage on restructuring the two organizations working with this group (Redevelopment Commission) as well as the three cities and expanding toward a coalition type relationship.  The consolidation of Chambers and EDIs are trending and they are looking at what type of models would best work for their situation. Also looking for a way to combine mission statements and the overall organizational structure that will follow.  At Chambers/EDI next meeting in August he should have various models to present and possibly a gentlemen well versed in guiding both Chamber and EDI to a common vision with a direction they want to go.
    Terri Randall mentioned that at this time, they will not be recruiting for a permanent fill in the Director's position, as the structure for that position is not yet defined.
    Terri Randall brought up the County Commissioners' contract with Chamber/EDI had not been signed and they were still acting on the previously signed contract.  She noted that by next meeting a contract should be addressed at least to cover the funds/cost sharing between Chamber/EDI/Redevelopment.
    Flood Plain Study -Tabled

Public Comment:

    Terri Randal acknowledged Cari Baylor who was in audience. Cari wanted to address the Board as to the status of her project John Rahe explained that this was the topic of the Executive Session and there were a lot of legal complications with the relationship between the Board, herself, EDI and the City of Lawrenceburg,  He told Cari their
attorney was drafting a letter explaining that all to her.  More discussion took place trying to explain to Cari that an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Lawrenceburg and EDI exists and that her questions are more complex than their Board can answer at this time.  It was asked of her to wait until she received the letter and at that time her
questions may be answered with it.  Cari continued to press for answers regarding her grant monies. She was told she will have to ask Lawrenceburg Grant Committee and/or EDI the questions this Board cannot answer.   It was explained that she was changing the parameters of her grant application with her recent responses to their request for her to sign an EDA and that the Board does not have control over the monies. Once again she

was asked to wait until she received the communications in the form of the letter and at that time meetings can be set up to answer more specific questions.  It was made clear to Cari, that the Redevelopment Commission was an Administrator of the grant and that they would be held accountable if any of the parameters of her grant application changed. If she wants changes made in the EDA, before she signs it, she has to go back to the  Grant Committee and explain those changes.

    At this time a member needed to be excused from the meeting.  A request to adjourn the meeting was made by Kevin Lynch with the understanding that the discussion with Ms. Baylor would continue after adjournment.  Cari wanted one last comment to be on public record.  "When EDI made the contract to purchase  the Stone property,  there were additional provisions put into the contract with the Stone property  that were never disclosed to us.  And never and those terms were not, um, uttered whether those terms were from  the County, the City, Maxwell Construction or EDI          There were restrictions on the property  in the zone property  in the West Harrison TIF district that were never disclosed to us as we submitted the grant as a possible  site consideration. "  Jim Deaton broke in at this time and explained again that a member needed to leave and that the discussion could continue after adjournment. He asked that the public meeting end as we were just passing information anyway and it could continue outside the parameters of a meeting.



    Motion to adjourn public meeting made by Jim Deaton with a second by Kevin Lynch. All approved.  Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm.




John Rahe


Jim Helms



Anonymous said...

What about that Terri Randall just look what she has done for the county the short time she has been here.It is time for elected officials and county employees to follow her leadership. Go girl

questions said...

Wohhy is DCEDI getting a contract for land acquisition? Who is paying for the land? Who is paying DCEDI? Who oversees this money being expended? Do the members of DCEDI have any stake in the lands they are acquiring for the county?